Saturday, September 18, 2010

1991 - Horse (Chinese Zodiac)

Jan.27,1990 - Feb.14,1991 -HORSE (lam bhase mlayu nye KUDA) haha

korang pcaye ke mende2 ni?? untuk pengetahuan korang, ramai

 je yg pcaye, ada sorang member ak ni mmg 

ske gle bab2 ni...tiap2 ari die check..

tpi stakat ni xde r sampi die terpesong :p

tgh2 ak bce2 ak tjumpe la best :D

haaa.....cra nk cri psangn y ad "ONG" pnya...hahaha

(1 - least compatible, 100 - most compatible)

Rat29 - No, no, no.
Ox37 - Unfortunately, they will part.
Tiger86 - Good, they have lots in common.
Rabbit52 - Why not just be friends?
Dragon63 - Steamy, but will not last.
Snake78 - These two are strongly attracted to each other.
Horse70 - Better hide your egoism.
Sheep82 - Good, they won't bore each other.
Monkey31 - Not advised.
Rooster58 - If they must, but not recommended.
Dog92 - A happy couple.
Pig75 - This relationship worth a try.

but for me, it is not something to believe in...but if its 

just for FUN..why not?kn?

jgn la smpai mende2 ni menyesatkan  dri anda..:)


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